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Thursday, March 8, 2007

The next stage

Well half way there.
Any regrets.No.
Any plans. Yes indeed.

The past months have really been a time to reflect on a lot of things. With 8 days to the dreaded day when I can no longer like Porches without been told I'm having a crisis or indeed wear clothes that I enjoy without a similar remark will be the next tens years.
Sad but true but too many have reached their comfort zone and have plateaued way too early.
It's not me that's pathetic, its them.It's just that society has made them into branded cattle and they out number the few that wont let sleeping dogs lie...and die.

The "turn the page" Chronicles are basically being written so I can start erasing the cache memory and start afresh with new adventures, as I've realised they have been less.
The comfort zone is so easy and comfortable to accept. But before you know it you wake up and realise your too old to do that real adventure, not just hotels and money.
I have never understood the concept of study till your 25, get a job till your 65 and by that time you have saved up enough money to retire and enjoy a nice time in Blackpool.
Christ, if your a bloke your lucky to have 10 years left...

Nope. I want to have "turn the page" Chronicles after the next ten years so I can countdown, the only difference being that perhaps they're not as dramatic as I don't think I could maintain that level of drama.And of course there are only 16 of many many more.But as I said, out of the comfort zone and some new adventures are on the way. To ensure that I will have to make sacrifices and decisions based on gut feeling and see where the pathway leads.
I have responsibility's now that I didn't have back then and they will be taken into account. At the end of the day your your own person though and you have to take those pathways or take the easy way out and get in the q for the society brand mark.

Which one will you choose?


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