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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Across the borders....

Sitting at work the other day I started wondering if it was possible to have one language , one day for everybody.
Then of course I realised that there is already one language that crosses every border; Body language of course..
This then started me thinking about using this as a starting place for a language on a global scale. Globalization as opposed to localization. So, as opposed to my kids getting french or Spanish as a second language I started thinking about Sign language being of more use if everybody on a global scale could do sign language.
(Keep in mind here that these thought processes are being written as they came...)
I felt quite pleased at this point that I had solved a huge problem on a global scale. Then I realised you can't write in sign language, or listen in sign language...DOH!
Not giving up so easy I started asking colleagues if Braille was globalized.
No idea came the response. However, sign language is localized , they said.
Nobody was sure, otherwise we had globalized sign and braille as well as the usual body language we all know..
Obviously what we're looking at here is a globalized body language that uses braille and sign language which would connect people from Outer Mongolia to the Outer Hebrides (Scottish Gaelic). Wouldn't that be kinda cool..
Anyway, more questions than answers and basically a passing thought through an otherwise dreary day. Its all about communication after all and when working with Translation the ultimate challenge passed through the mind.


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