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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Your time and good news...Snippets

But first, the news.
Today is the first day of a new chapter!
Some fresh air was released from a rather polluted situation which has really turned on a more positive feeling. At the same time there is some good times and news from the trilingual sitter*.

Once again the subject of space and time came up in another situation and one thing one should never forget is despite the fact that you can't stop the small hands ticking in time or the sand running through an hour glass (times of our lives, too much unemployed day time tv...) you DO actually control what you do within the hours, minutes and nano seconds of your life.

Carpe Diem has of course become an integral part in our everyday lives as a fridge magnet....
But there is a truth in "seizing the day" and trying to actually use the time you have to good purpose.
The reason I say this is basically down to the fact that we can waste so much time and effort on issues that are basically pointless. I do generalise of course but I still feel that we can simply waste so much time and become miserable in situations for far too long as we don't self reflect quickly enough to realise just how much more we could be getting on with.

I have been in similar situations and with hindsight I regret wasting so much energy. Hindsight is of course always a lucky number and gives positive results a lot of the time.
I wrote recently the importance of living in the present.

One anxiety attack that I feel many people have is the golden question of what they have as a goal.This can be very frightening when facing this question.
How about the following:
Without a goal your journey has no direction and you will just walk around in happens (9 outta 10 people) if you hear this and you can't actually decide on a goal that you want. Or if you let fate lead you. It's all rather scary and stress hormones tend to be released which of course means your DNA sand runs quicker..
Being involved in projects I would suggest having similar milestone goals leading up to the eventual finale. If you have to have a blueprint, a map, a plan then maybe short term and long term and we'll meet half way in the middle is the better way to approach this? Not as hectic and doesn't make you feel like a loser for not having a "Plan" or a finale "Goal".
I have been informed without these goals then planning goes out of the window..There is some truth in this, as how can you plan when you have no goal. Its like getting into a car and starting to drive without having a destination sorted out.Eventually your gonna run out of gas and end up in the middle of a forest perhaps...scary
Now, on the other hand maybe its not the journey that's of any interest, maybe its the journey that's more fun, how you drive the corners, the speed etc...Maybe the destination is a police station... Its the actual driving time that's more fun.
Perhaps this necessity of planning and finalising your goal is another society demand within the structure that we never asked for but that engulfs us, making it "the right way"... just like spending years of your life at school at a young age and never using what you learnt there to any use at all when it came to living a life in the common sense lane.

So, what is it, the journey or the destination.

Don't ask me, ask yourself.


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