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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

83 MIJ JVSQ ..the gutz..

...of Project Rat. Well, malsteen calls his the Duck, so in chinese traditional ways I'll keep with the animals and call it a rat.
I don't usually get stuck into MIJ stuff, but the Golden years when Fender were at Fullerton and moving to Corona and you get the idea that the quality was better than in the I took the gamble and bought a relativly cheap body of sen ash, apparently,not sure if its basswood but its light, but not too light.I reckon around the 4LBs area.
Its a poly finish which doesnt really bother me, although the music media is really stuffing the concept of nitro C being the dogs bollox and nothing else matters.
To be honest I dont think i'd know the difference...
Anyway, everything is currently packed and being shipped, so everyday is x-mas.
The neck should turn up at anytime and once that has arrived I will deem if its gonna be me or a luthier turning the #3 bolt to a #4.
Once again you read a lot about plus and minuses of the warmoth pro necks with a truss adjuster on the side.Once again I'm confinced it will do the job.beautiful neck as can be seen in the pics.
The aged look of the body and trem block ensured I could keep the aged look, so we're talking aged guard, knobs, tips,bolts,screws,backplate.
And thats it..basically, except for the details which makes the full picture..
I'll have to modify the pup cover for the fs-1 as its dimarzio..but thats the pup in the bridge, the Edge,Knopfler and Johnny Ramone also used the fs-1 and since its beginnings its still a popular pup, that was back in 74..The mid pup is gonna be the seymour duncan alnico II pro with staggered poles and up in the neck, an old friend returns which Ive previously had but sold as a set, an Eric Johnson alnico III from the custom shop.Great sounding pickup! So its gonna be interesting how they match up, the fs-1 is 25% stronger than a standard pup and alnico 5 rods, so its 5/2/3 with a counter wound in the middle.Both middle and neck have similar outputs and offer more of a spongy bass sound..I'm hoping the guitar will be round 7LBs, we shall see!

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