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Friday, May 11, 2007

Throw it out!

TV and the virus again...

I was fortunate enough..NOT!.. to switch on telly and watch with "south park jaw", a program about some young American Christians with a group of fugly brit kids to promise stop having sex and wear a silver ring...christ indeed..

First of all, the group looked as if they'd have to struggle to find somebody desperate enough to have sex with them..they should have changed the group to a help group to get these blobs laid..
But no, instead they got preached too.

The best present you can give your wife is your virginity..
hmm...diamond ring...virginity...diamond ring...virginity...
then the kids got horrified as the fanatics from "YankyDoodleNuthousen" started chainsawing up a heart, claiming that every ride you gave away was like hacking a piece off your heart, the heart you would give your wife / husband..
heart...diamond ring...heart diamond ring....

When the photo shoot came (get it...) with their new t-shirts of "yes to romance-no to sex" I accidentally turned over, glad in a way to not have to remark one more time about the "chain smoking mole on her cheek blobby" stating how much this would help her..
"somebodies lying I thought"

To my utter disgust it was a repeat of the Victoria Secret fashion day..Ironic?

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