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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

somma is 'ere and am fookin' boozzin'..

Doncaster Ned of the week, released a fab song called "Donny Soldier" and is Mc Devvo..
We're talkin' Yorkshires answer to Eminen and if you wanna listen to his latest offering then go to:-

lyrics are awesome, but maybe you have to have spent a xmas in Bolton upon Dearne and done your bird in grannys bathroom on her comment.."show us ya muff..indeed"

Seems like I'm in a very hardcore rap and ned rap period and theres a lot of good stuff out there. trouble is it's all about crack, tabs and pills, bongs and songs...Acccccciiidddddd..
Sweden is not the country to mention a dirty word like drugs. Ironically since the unemployment increased you can see the same tendencys coming in as we have had in the home country and you read and hear more and more about how easy everything has become available and more and more kids are taking it at a younger age.
I wonder when the equivalent of the swedish NED hits the headlines. Metrasexual Brats will be replaced by burberry Neds with needle marks and then the cars and robbery will increase.
You have to have seen the damage and the housing estates to believe it, I've been on my tour of Drumchapel, Easterhouse, Niddrie and countless other "voted worst housing scheme project in Europe" estates. As I said, you have to see it to believe it so when you take the tram to Bergsjön or Kortedala you realise just how far away it all is from a really bad area..

However, it is coming, question is when. The segregation is already in place and causing murmurs..we shall see..

Morning started poor..christ I sat behind a classA pysko...she seemed to have a serious shouting problem so we all who sat on the tram got to hear her lifestory and how today was tuesday so her favorites were on tv and on and on and on...Worst was looking at her once getting off and seeing that despite thinking she must be heading into her 40's she turned out to look around 25 with a parrot style of clothing and hollywood 50's hairstyle ala honeycomb..

Weather just now seems to sponsoring the chernoybl swedish flu and everybody has a sore throat ready to break out. Then the upswing and humidy comes after lunch and at nite the rains taps the panes..

Got a call today, mate whose life was changed overnite by calling a refferee a "kant". A years ban away from coaching and training and probably stripped of all titles its a hard call made by the blokes upstairs..

Changes have happened overnight with a few decisions of how I'll have to prioritise in the near future and as to who I should prioritise.
To start off with, myself.Tomorrow and its back to the docs for bloodtest number two...They wanna find out what makes me turn green and get angry..
Then I have to get my wheels back on the road.1500kr for a cam chain, bucks that just now don't exist despite the expectations of many.Enough of that I feel.

I'll keep yez posted, but for now its back to salad fingers and MC Devvo!


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