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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Winter returns...

Well I don't suppose it's been away, however once again the mild weather has deceived.

Not sure if I'm alone here but there seems to be something kinda nice when you look out f the window and the snow starts falling down in an unhurried fashion only lit up by the streetlights.
I'm not a classic romantic whatsoever but I have to admit there is something special about this part of winter , maybe its the whole black and white / Snowflakes and darkness mixed with the silence. And then...


Talk about quiet before the storm. The unhurried snowflakes suddenly become as busy as army ants and the whole romantic aspect becomes one hell of a swearing match and promises of leaving the country, and why do I put up with this year after year, etc..etc..

Talk about the two sides of snow. Maybe once its stopped and before it starts getting warm again it will be okay, but as for outdoor training and my three weeks off due to the toxic tent virus things are looking bad..

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