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Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Hon var fan inte snygg, du"....

so its 00.56 saturday morning and I just laughed my head off on the phone with a mate, we were having a serious conversation about symptoms of the universe, ie relationships when he mentioned he had some french girl on his msn and that he didn't know who she was..
this person suddenly came online and starting sending emonicons of flys shagging each other...
So I told him to ask her who she was, to which to our surprise she answered
- "fuck"...??
He then noticed she had a web cam thingy (his own to pcs..) so I asked if she had a pic of herself on her msn..
-"ja...helt ok" was the answer, so I told him to right click and see if he could start a web conversation...after a few seconds he said
-" ja, jag tycker att någonting ladda kommer det...hon var fan inte snygg du..."
ahahahahahahaa..this may not write well but it was said well in realtime göteborska...

So I asked him to ask her where she got his address from and where she came from...
-Port Neuf, Canada..
at this point she switched off the webcam..

-fan, en gottigris fyfan från canada, kan inte skriver på engelska iallafall....

awesome, moral of this tale is make sure you know who your chatting with or you may end up with what we term in Scotland, " a pig wi knickerrs"....
Conversation ended with:"
"silken jävla stor cli**a och dvärgen e ju grym när han smiskar sig själv"...the tears are flowing..


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