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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fashions within the Matrix- Ego

"he's an egotistical little p*ic*", for me this used to be a rather nasty thing to say about someone.
Call me simple, but when I heard that someone was being ego, or if I was being called ego it was all fairly simple, It was all about me .Well I suppose in a way it still is, however we have now added sugar and lemon to the crepes and come up with crepes Suzette!

You see its like this..
I help someone out. I am ego for helping them out.Why? Simple, cause I'm only doing to feel good about myself..ego, all about me.
This can be taken to any extreme, and its quite amusing to use it in as many circumstances as you want to, calling people ego for helping you out in every situation and I promise they start getting rather confused by the whole idea. Try it , you'll like it.

Friend: "want me to help you out this weekend moving the furniture from your top flat apt?"
answer: "that's frikken ego of you"

Friend: "yeah,I heard you'd hurt your knee and wrist in the tackle, can I come round and wash your car, do your laundry, iron your shirts and hoover up.Them maybe make you some food?"
answer: ego kuk!


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