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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

ramblings of a confused confucious....

Players..And I’m not talking about about the type involved in sport.
If you wear your heart on your sleeve you pay the price for sure, or on the other hand you get results as you don’t have to wear rubber boots to avoid the bullshit coming up to the knees.
Whatever you do always comes back to haunt if your playing the options game and once again the only way to know this is to grow a wee bit older and experience it thru making the mistakes.
The options game is the best though. Keep stacking up the chips and hope they don’t all fall down and leave you busted.So at the end of the day our left with one of the players on the same ground as you have been, or not asthe case may be.
The answer to this is of course massive insecurity. On the other hand it’s good feedback and an ego rubbing exercise.
Question is , can anything serious come out of it? I suppose it depends on what your after and at what lengths your willing to go to achieve an ego boosting result based on the game as opposed to genuine reason and feelings.
I’d love to be able to juggle the feelings of others until I drop them one by one and then when I get worried and insecure as I'm starting to be left with only one option I do one of two things, pick up the juggling balls again and try and keep going or sit back and wait for the last one I've got to realise the transparency.

Part II: Go back or not?
Ever had a partnership that you went back too that worked ?
It can work right? I mean, I’m a wee bit of a cynic but I have to be able to believe that people can change enough to be able to start understanding the understanding-right?
Basically it’s bloody hard work-
Should it be hard work?
Everybody is his/her own person. Is there someone out there who has it all? Yesterday a lady friend said-good luck to that.The perfect person doesn’t exist. Pretty negative as everybody has their own opinion of what that person would be.
But maybe that’s what has happened over the generations! The divorce rate has increased and fewer people are getting married for love, more for tax reasons or pregnancy (not in Scandinavia).So maybe people started not putting up with putting and shutting up like past generations who lived in a much stricter structure based more on social culture as well as religion, well that was on the front side anyway.
Media has transformed a lot as well as other info sights and now of course you date and get dumped by other means than face to face as its easier and a lot more convenient. Thats basically what everything has become, more convenient and yet at the same time now and again you hear about dreams and success stories which still keeps the dream going, problem is it's usually in the form of a film...
Okay, foot off the gas. Lighten up buddy, drop the form and just get out there and see whats happening. I’ve been outa this for too long so it’s perhaps time to get out and see where we are and do some investigating to see how far the envelope can be pushed. Problem is I’m kinda old fashioned but maybe could do some interviews with a vampire...

So whats this all about, well nothing and everything infact. Bored perhaps and just let the keys get outta hand.Sometimes when the grey cells get overloaded the writers cramp and logical speel goes out the window..
So whatever , make of it what you want, the mind is lost and once found will be back on trax..

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