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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Lets see what all the fuss is about...

So, winter is the time to get stuck into projects and the past week has thrown up a few kick-starters.
The 5110 Marshall is getting an upgrade, with an Eminence texas heat speaker as well as some internals replaced; many years ago I read about a pedal made by Blackstone in the states. Came across the desk as it was apparently Billy Gibbons fav pedal. As the price was quite high I left it at that, but recently, in fact only a few days back, one came up on the UK flea bay and that saves in import taxes and costs. So that's on the way as well. So a few pots, stereo jacks and some fixing up on some of the guitars that needed a service, has had me busy.
With the Blue Burst body hopefully on the way...still..( was meant to be here on the 28th dec but some shady Italian people claim the swedish customs refused it entry..), I've been considering what to fit as pickups. I have a few choices if I want to cannibalise, and I've also been looking at just about set available, from hot noiseless Jeff beck to Bare knuckle sets. Just as the wallet was stopping smouldering from the purchases, a set of original red bobbin Fullertons from 82 came up on a more local website. sets of 82's usually hit the 1000 plus dollar mark. At the asking price I had to buy them, otherwise I'd kick myself. So things are gonna get busy!

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