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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

random thoughts-part 1

With the classic advent of swollen glands, an ear ache and headache there isn't much else to do but stick on a Led Zepp DVD and watch class whilst drinking the remains of a bottle of Masi Campofiorin from last friday.
On top of this the remains of some Cocillana-Etyfin from 2006 and start counting the spelling mistakes.

Theres a lot to do but the motivation went with the flu, so hit the booze, the rock and the perscription morfin in a bottle and hopefully an early night in store- one can hope.

This is where the random thoughts come into play: a day of Bob Dylans "another day in the life of" kinda puts you in the mood and also an incredible mail recieved from someone based 380 kms north of Oslo who promises a date with perhaps erotik intentions..Let me explain.

As of last july I once again became seperated.same reasons as before, no reason to get into that, but suffice to say the self-esteem needed a boost so I made a choice that would end the world as I knew it, I registered myself on the infamous Spray Date. I did this following the advice of a previous ex and entered the seedy world of shallowness supreme where a picture is worth more than a thousand words and where fat and hairy men can indeed pose as models and laugh at desperate men sending desperate letters..Of course I paid the extra to become a DELUXE member, this would give me the added benefit wherein I could actually see who was coming in for a look.

Now, if your one of those people who has a picture worth a thousand words your in luck, looking at the hit lists and stats one could see several thousand visits and guestbook logins.After 4 months of Spray date my guest book has 5 logs..and I know all the people who have been charitable enough to leave a "good luck u sad bastard " message.
Cutting a long story short, I did recieve a rather strange mail from a norweigen which I answered.I have now recieved an answer to my mail and in short this has to be investigated.Scarey stuff indeed! Mention of erotic stuff, no home phone, mobile in for repair, don't write in cyberspace, write a proper letter to address attached etc...
As they say, curiosity did indeed kill the cat, but it took nine attempts. So, I have a fan who admits to have written several letters but only recieved a few answers and who wants to meet up and know where I live..Its just too irresistable to leave alone, lets just hope i'm not on my ninth life! An update will follow!

Back to random thoughts, single life when approaching the 4 0 is indeed a challenge. Looking at my past I worked out I'd been together with lassies for the past 25 years and 7 months. The only break came 7 months before I met the mother of my two wonderful children.I was 28 and she was 21.I suppose the word "rebound" comes to mind.
fashion dictates self instinct and "själv känsla" in todays society. Its an interesting setup, when was the last time you watched anything about old fashioned values of being a pigeon and mating for life with one partner? Its fashion now to be "all that" and look around for the end of the rainbow. Rumour on the street is that the ladies are as bad as the men.I find this amazing, does that mean the lassies are also enjoying the tonka toys in the sandpit?

I remember around 10 years ago somebody informed me that woman didnt actually need men anymore, they could reproduce through an artificial way.I just didn't realise then they actually meant it.We may actually be here, but to them we're actually not.They're like the Japanese, they copy something, make it cheaper and despite looking cheaper make it last longer.The only difference is the price tag is on par with europe.
Keeping in mind the "Stranger in a strange land" title of the Blogg, the differences in cultural thinking and the way men and woman think in Sweden compared to Scotland is in one part refreshing and in a second part a wee bit scarey, if your raised to believe that woman have small feet so they can get closer to the stove..I live here for the first part, as I enjoy the equality and the fight.Of course, I'm also a bad loser..I have without doubt had my opinions changed and have moved closer to being a humanist, but it makes for good reading and thinking everytime you open a door for the opposite and await either a smile or a frown, or offer to pay for lunch and recieve the same treatment.

You would think it was age related, but no.I have offered my seat several times on buses and trams only to be given the frown.Its around this point you really start understanding the culture of 0046. The reason the coldness is igloo.The reason the woman take care of the books and hand out the hobby money to their men and of course the reason the men put up and shut up, for they gave up.
So of course, it was never gonna be easy.I still haven't had a shared bank account to my deficit, I mean a scotsman handing over his account number is something you may find in Dantes "Divine Comedy" on around the ninth level..

Back to random thoughts.Single life.Here is a clue to successful single life in 2007. Drop all morals and integrity , get onboard for the trip of your life and don't be old fashioned.I actually had to argue the point last night regarding this.We're not all in the same mould and to be honest the line from "love actually" summarises it all quite well, "nobody will want to sleep with a wimp" and morefin just took over..back to the sofa and zepp from '73, "since Ive been lovin' u", madison square.

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